Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Fears

- That my best friend is going to grow up and away from me.
- That I'm going to be weak when I have to be strong.
- That my talents will go to waste.
-That I will take beauty for granted.
-That opportunities will slip right through my grasp.
-That I will underestimate myself.
-That I will not be able to help the world.

....That was extremely hard to do. It makes you feel so vulnerable. But who said I couldn't overcome my fears? Just thought I'd put them out in the open.


Willa said...

By your best friend....are you referring to me?!

Cause if I'm growing away from you I haven't noticed. And I'd really like someone to tell me if I am, cause really I'm not going anywhere as far as I know. I love you. I always will. And I'm not going anywhere. Okay?

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3