Well, I've got a lot on my plate from now til the end of the year, and not much time to eat it. Case in point: I just printed out 23 pages of pure Regents joy, for some much needed practice. And that's not as good as it gets. I have a math final, a social studies final, a science test, a social studies test, the formal (social stress), NYSSMA, and the French proficiency. Oh! And I forgot. Hershey Park. That'll be the least stressful of the entire agenda I just rattled off. So for this week? Reviewing for the math final, working on getting through Animal Farm, squeezing in some extra Carnival of Venice practice time, a chorus concert tomorrow, and the formal on Friday, which I haven't bought a ticket for, and plans are still up in the air. AHHHHH! And since I haven't completely lost my head yet (which I'm sure is the Warwick Administration's main goal) why don't I go upstairs and work on some LOGIC HOMEWORK. Sheesh.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
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