Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day? psh

We had a snow day today, which was pretty awesome. It was gorgeous out. Everything was covered in ice, and so me and my brother and sister and I went outside and got soaking wet, but it was so pretty out in the field. Tomorrow is gonna be really nice cause then we're off again on Friday.

Valentine's Day is really a useless holiday. Not to be bitter or anything, but seriously, if we need a designated day to realize we love each other, than the world is in a sorry state. Yeah, sure, I guess it's pretty cute if you have a significant other, but still, then its just an excuse to buy cheesy gifts for them and waste money. It's become such a commercialized holiday that it is now devoid of any real meaning, and I think it's kind of a waste of time. Unless you're a prep and use it as an excuse to dress all in pink, you have a sweet tooth and you want all the candy, or you're a hard-core dater and will always have a boyfriend/girlfriend on valentine's day. So I'm really not doing anything for valentine's day (by choice) and to all who are, have fun!

Tomorrow I have drama and then, well, we're gonna have fun later =) I'm so excited!


MarcoPolumbo said...

"we're gonna have fun later?"


Oh lord.