Monday, January 21, 2008

Break Analysis

I've actually had a very successful break so far.

Friday Kerianne Jess and I went to the mall for Kerianne's b-day. It was so much fun. But now my manicure is chipping =( and I ate all my Gertrude Hawk stuff

Meghan's party was fun once you got past all the drama. We're all gonna have to get used to the boy/girl party drama, because as we get older, it's going to be a common practice to have a mixed birthday party. But it was fun. Especially once all the guys left. That's saying something right there, isn't it?

Yesterday was so lazy. But you can't really blame me. I was EXHAUSTED. So I slept for 2 hours until my cell phone woke me up. Grrr. Then I...watched TV and ate and read an listened to music and slept more.

Today was Martin Luther King Jr. day of course. It's really awful because most people don't give this monumental holiday much thought. And it's not even just about Dr. King. It's about all the influential individuals, black and white, who dedicated themselves to such a worthy and moving cause. My mom, my brother and I attended a service at the United Methodist church today. It was incredible. I've never experienced anything like it, and hope to experience it again. There were many speakers, including the mayor, the town supervisor, judges and pastors from all different churches in Warwick. The African American congregation especially were so inspiring. The level of energy and passion they communicated through their worship and through their sermons was incredible. It's defenitely not a stereotype that African Americans are warm, passionate, strong people. While various speakers were speaking, you heard powerful "Amens" resounding through the audience. I know my parish would sit there like bumps on a log. Plus I got to experience up close and personal the power of a gospel choir =)

I just came upstairs from watching the Democratic debate. That's amazing as well. Even beyond their political standings, theses candidates are such eloquent, forceful speakers. I still haven't decided on my candidate. I wish they could all win.

Tomorrow I have drama and we're going NHD shopping and then math review =( It's a harsh reality check to go through all these old regents and realize you can't do half the problems....ok, that's just me. I have drama on Wednesday also, and more math review on my own and then Thursday is the dreaded Math A Regents day. It's going to be mentally and physically painful. Can't wait! Friday I can FINALLY relax...and get my second hole =) Saturday I have Christian and Marc-Anthony's birthday and the Sunday is midterm re-review. I have my whole week planned out...scary.

ok, I decided to make this one a long one because of my new template (thanks marc-anthony)

Feel better Jess! <3

I love you SO much kerianne. I was just thinking.


Kerianne said...

you do'nt even know how much i love you. thanks.