Monday, June 18, 2007

Oh Lordy!

With summer approaching, it's nearly impossible to focus on anything academic. For most, this is no big deal: all their tests were sent out with a bang with the completion of the language proficiency today. However, for the select few that foolishly accepted a seat in the Earth Science class (a 10th grade course, may i remind you) have the daunting, three-hour, ESRT-saturated New York State Earth Science regents exam to take bright and early tomorrow morning. What I said to my dad was no lie: all parts of my brain save science have been turned off until September of next year (i shudder at the thought): math, social studies, english, french, fine motor skills, you name it. Now don't think for a second that merely because the science realm of my brain has not shut off yet that I've been studying non-stop. The sleep-inducing, over powering heat doesn't contribute to my concentration. Every 10/15 minutes I'm up again. First to eat, then to read the diary of Anne Frank (by choice, as opposed to force) then to watch T.V.... you get the idea. So hopefully, by the grace of God, I will have the brain power, will power and sheer conscienceness to take and (cross your fingers) do well on the regents tomorrow. But, that's going to require more study time. If I calculated the time I spent studying/reviewing/looking over science stuff....well, I don't think you'd want to. But, as we all need something to look forward to (I find this greatly contributes to positive thinking and wellness of mind and body) as soon as the regents are over, we can shut off our brains, and we have nothing looming over our heads. No voice telling us we really should be studying even during the minutes before bed. No over-anxious Mrs. Koenig reinforcing the nerve-wracking thought that this goes on our high school transcripts. No piles of textbooks and papers and ESRTS and practice regents stacked a mile high in bedrooms. Until next year, that is......


Kerianne said...

HAHAHA, fine motor skills.. i loled at that one. HAPPY SUMMER B-B-GIRL.