Monday, June 4, 2007

Je deteste le francais

Yeah, it really is getting on my nerves. I mean, an entire packet of useless, repetative phrases? Wait! I take that back. TWO packets of useless, repetative phrases, one of which Harry made completely hard-core. I squandered my time in class talking and such, and now I have to pay for it....its horrible! I give up. And now I have to face (bum bum bummmmm)!!!!!!!And Mr Rauschenbach with his " the Regents are easy" speech. Thanks for the inspiring words, really. Much appreciated. And now I must go read Christian's new born blog. More later?


Clouds on the Ground said...

Hello darling, it's the lovely blonde freak at the back of Mr. Rausch's classroom!
Yes, that was quite an objectionable speech he gave about the science regents. I couldn't help but think *Mr. Rauschenbach... You teach Social Studies, not Science.... Social Studies.... Science.... Sounds different to me.*
Sleepy day, huh?
I didn't know I was showing it THAT much, but I suppose good old Mr. Mesic could tell.
Well, I basically wanted to say I love your writing skills ("a slap in the face"... ha ha, good one!) and blah.
Off to go comment on Christian's (AKA Gravens) blog!
Buena suerte with those tests! ;)