Monday, December 1, 2008

sometimes even the right is wrong

hi guys!

isn't it great to randomly learn things about yourself? for example: i learned that i enjoy a schedule, order, whatever you want to call it. I can't quite think of the word. As much as I may resist it in the form of school, doing things on a day to day basis keeps me level-headed. It's wonderfully relaxing to blog every night. Some other repetition? watching the tyra show everyday, reading before i go to bed, listening to music and changing my clothes as soon as i get home =)

Thankfulness List!

1) cultural diffusion (without it we wouldn't have hip hop or chinese food!)
2) My Chemical Romance
3) thick comforters...yumm
4) ice cream
5) God


MarcoPolumbo said...

EVERYONE ( and Jess...) IS BLOGGING AGAIN!!! THIS IS AWESOME. Oh, and I hadn't thought about Christmas 'til reading Jess's blog. Now I'm like super excited.