Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just a lil something for the ride =)

Essay writing is both a joy and tribulation in my life. If the task is clear and the reason for writing legitimate, I can write for pages and pages, whether I believe in the subject or not. But after a while, the well runs dry and I'm left with stale ideas, lame connecting sentences and a tired forearm. What does this relate to? I'll give you a hint: it's not the meaning of life. Nope, it's just the dozens of essays we have to write for english. Grrr I've never watched the clock so closely in my life. The prospect of sitting for 6 hours in June and writing 4 consecutive essays chills my blood. Although despite the complaning, the english regents will most likely be the easiest of the four regents exams that I'm taking at the end of this year. The joy and anticipation are overwhelming...