Friday, November 28, 2008

What a beautiful thing!

After reading my sweetheart jess's blog, I am 100% joining in. I think thats a wonderful thing and i try to sometimes do it on my own, but its going to be great to get it all down in writing. I wish i had been home to start on thanksgiving day, but since there are reasons to be thankful everyday, now is as good a time as ever. so here goes:

1) my family, who fights a lot but always loves each other
2) my cozy house =)
3) my kitties
4) my health (not everyone can say the same)
5) my beautiful friends

my thanksgiving was really beautiful because i got to share it with my family. we're defenitely an odd bunch, but then again, every family has their quirks. my mom, mariel, julian and I went down wednesday to cook and help out our grandma. it was pretty rewarding to put everything on the table and know that we had helped. so we ate a lot, watched football, prayed and had fun.

i want to get that little icon thing that jess has so i can be all official. i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and watched the jonas brothers. 'night!