Monday, November 19, 2007

The Way of the Universe

Isn't it funny that a two day week can seem like forever? Especially when you're anticipating Thanksgiving as much as I am. This week, as in today and tomorrow, might not feel as long if I had a relaxing, fun, last day of school before break kind of day. But instead, my teachers seem to feel that the perfect way to send their kids off on a relaxing break is to give them tests! And I mean all my teachers. Except english. But she has an excuse because she's giving us a project over thanksgiving break. So I think an hour and a half of studying should stand me in good stead. Except for the fact that I haven't memorized (which is what we're expected to do) all of the ridiculous science facts. And I wish my Jess would answer me on IM!!! Since school is basically my life, thats pretty much all I have to talk about. I thoroughly apologize if I'm boring you. But I can give you the run down for my thanksgiving break. Tuesday night I believe I'm having a sleepover with Em, Jess and Kerianne. Unless we can't find a house to have it at. Alisha's gonna be here Wednesday =) And then Thursday is Thanksgiving and Ill be heading down to Jersey to my Grandma and Grandpa's house. We're staying over, and then we're going to Barnes and Noble. Oh man. I'm so excited! I have 4 gift cards which altogether adds up to about...$80. To spend on books. We might be staying in Jersey another night. If not, then I don't know the plan for friday. Saturday, I'm really not doing much except watching my neighbor's dog. And then sunday I'll probably be doing the english project. Sounds like a blast! Oh, I'd better go practice now. and then study some, I'm really living it up over here.