My goodness! I've switched between two blogs because....mycopmuterdiedandihadtoupdatetheharddriveandithoughtilostmyblogsoimadeanewonethenifoundmyoldonebutmarcanthonyspentareallylongtimegettingmeacoolnewbackgroundandifeltbad,butheswitchedittomyoldoneinlike2.5seconds.
Get it? Anyway, I'm leaving for Mystic, Connecticut tomorrow morning, which should be a blast. I will be back by Thursday afternoon. From there the plans include...well, I don't know. Keep in touch!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Blog Trauma
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 7:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Hurry Up!!!!!!
Oh my gosh. I can't take it. We got Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows an hour ago and like always, my sister got to read it first. I am going INSANE. I want to read it sooo badly. It seems like its taking forever for her to finish. She said she'd finish in 3 hours, and its only been 1 =( I can't focus on doing anything else 'cause i NEED to read that book.
Sorry, that's two Harry Potter posts in a row. I just love it so much and I wish I was a witch and went to Hogwarts. But I'm just a stupid muggle =)
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 2:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: My Review
Great, great movie. It was quite dark and mysterious. The plot was a little difficult to follow, and you had to refer to the books numerous times to figure out what was going on and who was who. Some of the lighter moments in the book were left out in order to reduce the running time. This does not, however, include Harry and Cho's kiss. It was long, wet and dramatic. Harry is very very whiny in this movie, for those of you who have never read the book (shame on you) and he is dramatic and confused. But then again, I never really liked Harry. There is, if you catch it, some romantic tension between Ron and Hermione. The centaurs are frightening, and Hagrid's half brother is quite lovable. The Department of Mysteries is...well, mysterious. You grow to hate Cornelius Fudge, you finally see Azkaban, and my favorite scenes took place in the secret room where Harry trained all the new members of the Order. I love love love Luna Lovegood. She has to be one of my favorite characters. Hermione is heroic and spunky, not to mention extremely pretty. I love her in this movie. As much love as I had for the characters, I also had hate. Professor Umbridge is extremely aggrivating, horribly evil and made me hate pink. Fred and George are great, once again, and Draco's dad figures pretty prominently but Draco doesn't. Overall, the movie is very dark and thick, with a lot of changes in character. Sirius's death is not too spectacular but none the less heart-wrenching. I feel the movie had a very abrupt ending that was somewhat of a cliff-hanger, and didn't fulfill the desires of the viewer. One MAJOR plus is that all the young male characters got hotter. Harry, Ron, Draco, Fred, George etc. It's great eye candy! The lighter moments, as always, are my favorite, but it was a stupendous must-see none the less. So....go see it. There's sooo much I left out, like Tonks, who isn't as prominent or fun as she was in the book. Somewhat of a let down...but just go see it! Before I give everything away. Next Potter craze? The 7th and final book, which comes out saturday and which I will relish, as there will never be another Harry Potter book. That's unreal and very upsetting.
Plus the car ride to the movie was extremely fun!
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Just a Taste
Okay, now it's starting to feel like summer.
especially since it's so hot. I wish I had my pool. I know, you do too Marco-Polumbo. But with all this high school/testing stuff coming in the mail it seems like the school district is rushing summer....and I disklike them for it.
Well, I'm off that's sad. Nothin' to do. Not until party time!
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
Unecessary Update
It's nice that it's cooled down a little: it provides some kind of relief from the heat we've just experienced. I hope everyone is managing. As soon as my pool is fixed, you'll know. I promise. We have a possible new edition to the Klein cat pack. He's a beautiful little gray cat with a long face like a big cat (i.e., lynx, cougar, bobcat) He has green eyes and a long nose and dark gray stripes crawling across his soft gray fur. He's getting more comfortable with us, and I hope we can keep him =) He still doesn't come inside, though. That takes time. He's got a horrible open wound on his leg, so we have to take him to the vet. We named him Oberon (from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream", by the way) We also have this strange, eerie, so far unidentifable animal in our feild. It barks like a distressed dog and looks like a cat/fox, based on the two times we've seen it. We are wary of its prescence, obviously because of the cats. My brother and I went online to try and figure out what it could be, but we didn't find anything that sounded remotely like it. My brother is convinced it's a domestic dog...that has throat problems (????) Whatever it is, it normally comes out at night. We heard it for the first time during the day yesterday. Kinda creepy.
Oh, by the way. We need a whole new pool. Hopefully, that doesn't mean it will take any longer. We should actually have it by next Friday, the latest. I neeeed to swim.
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 10:46 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Angry Young Man
There's a place in the world for the angry young man
With his working class ties and his radical plans
He refuses to bend, he refuses to crawl,
He's always at home with his back to the wall.
And he's proud of his scars and the battles he's lost,
And he struggles and bleeds as he hangs on the cross-
And he likes to be knowns as the angry young man.
Give a moment or two to the angry young man,
With his foot in his mouth and his heart in his hand.
He's been stabbed in the back, he's been misunderstood,
It's a comfort to know his intentions are good.
And he sits in a room with a lock on the door,
With his maps and his medals laid out on the floor-
And he likes to be known as the angry young man.
I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage
I found that just surviving was a noble fight.
I once believed in causes too,
I had my pointless point of view,
And life went on no matter who was wrong or right.
And there's always a place for the angry young man,
With his &ist in the air and his head in the sand.
And he's never been able to learn from mistakes,
So he can't understand why his heart always breaks.
But his honor is pure and his courage as well,
And he's fair and he's true and he's boring as hell-
And he'll go to the grave as an angry old man.
Billy Joel is an amazing artist. Just a taste of his work, for those of you so deprived that you don't know this legendary song, just one link in his never-ending chain of incredible songs. My posts will be more meaningful after this, I just had to give you an infusion of great american song writing.
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Busy Busy Busy
Lots has happened. Starting with Cedar Crest. It was amazing. The place is huge and gorgeous and incredible. The reseidents are adorable, the staff is great (especially Jess's cousin). Me and Jess had so much fun, and I can't wait to go back. The day continued with baby-sitting with kerianne. It was so tiring, the little rascals. But it was really fun. Then I slept over which was great. Between the breakfast club and guitar hero and junk food...good stuff. Then the Kerianne phenomenon continued at West Point. What an amazing concert. I'm so glad you came with me, baby. Ok, then what. Right. Then it was off to Jessica's confirmation with Marc-Anthony...congratulations, sweetheart! The service was so sweet, and the party was tons of fun. But with a bedtime of 2:00 AM on Friday, and 12:00 AM on Saturday, I'm exhausted. Fortunately, tonight is void of activities. But the past three days have been extrodinary, thanks in part to my amazing friends. Thanks, piggies.
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 7:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
"Oh say can you see by the dawn's early light..."
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Happy Independence Day!
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 2, 2007
Kerianne's incredible story. Enjoy!!!
once upon a time, there was a girl named chiAra (with a capital A.) she liked to climb trees. she liked to climb trees A LOT! in her town called yipididipididodaville, there was one tree that was notorious for being huge. only the extreme tree climbers had ever attempted to climb it... and only half of them came down alive. chiAra had always dreamed of climbing the tree and making her way down, and having a parade in yipididipididodaville all for her and her feat. she decided.. today was the day her dream would come true.
she got together all her tree climbing gear, including her fosiflex, her potywama, and her proxyyoko. she said to her mom, "mommy, i'm going to go climb the big tree!" and her mom, currently involved in making a fresh apple and banana pie, said "okay sweetie, be careful!" not realizing what chiAra had actually said.
she made her way to the tree and sat down under eat, eating her peanut butter and jelly sandwhich that she had summoned from the air above her. once her tank was full again, she began the high climb.
she weaved in and out of trees, leaves, branches, and managed to get to the top of the tree without cracking any robin's eggs or knocking off any bird's nests. this was an accomplishment in itself.
but chiAra realized what she had to do now.. she had to get down.
she carefully took her proxyyoko from her pocket and shoved it into the tree. it unraveled into a sheet of plastic from the top of the tree all the way to the ground. she then took the fosiflex and set it up on top of the proxyyoko, making water flow down the slide. she put the potywama on her head, and prayed to the Greek God of Ugly, Mark Joanow, that her descent would be sucessful.
she jumped on the tarp and slid all the way down to the bottom, with nothing more than a scratch!
of course, this was sort of cheating, considering she didnt actually CLIMB down.
but she had made it up and down the tree without killing anyone or anything.
she immediately ran to the town hall and said to the mayor Schenkenbaumerific, "I DID IT! I MADE IT UP AND DOWN THE TREE!"
Mayor Schenkenbaumerific said, "Let me get the parade committee ready, and we'll have a parade as soon as possible!"
two miliseconds later, the parade was outside the town hall, with banners and flyers saying "CONGRATULATIONS CHIaRA!!!!!"
chiara couldn't hold in her smile.
after all the banners and flyers, countless numbers of marching bands whizzed by, all either playing Abrahm's Pursuit, Pirates, or The Washington Post March.
was psyced. she knew that there were bigger trees in Flopaplopolopoloustown and Cyrikidikipotrotplace, but those were challenges for other days. Today, she was chiAra, the only living climber of The Big Tree. and she was happy with that!
Posted by Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder at 2:10 PM 3 comments