Thursday, March 20, 2008

Flirting is Mandatory

I found that on a chocolate wrapper...

Anyway, we're officially on spring break #1. It's so nice to have nothing to do. Especially in comparison to the whirlwind of activity that's been dominating my life (drama.) Speaking of which, I never fully recounted the experience. I've already digested it, I've spoken about it and it's pretty much sunken in that its over. I squeezed every last drop out of it that i could, and I've been thinking about all the meanings and lessons of the show itself. So I won't burden you with too much, but I'll just say this: as a whole, the show received a lot of criticism. Mainly from othere show people. But I can tell you that as audience members, you can't fully appreciated the enormity of the show that we took on. DiLeo purposely diverted away from the sugar-coated musicals that everyone is used to (i.e. Hairspray, Grease etc.) He was sending a clear message with this show. And I feel for those who didn't understand. It's such an incredibly deep show. Not only should you see it multiple times, but it requires so much post-viewing reflection in order to truly understand the concepts. It reveals the human condition and it teaches so many hard-hitting life lessons. Just by listening to the intricate lyrics, you can grasp the depth and beauty of the show. For those of you that saw it, I hope it meant something to you. Because I know it left me with so much.

Reverting to a totally different topic, I've picked my favorites for American Idol (I know, you can cheer now) And here they are:


MarcoPolumbo said...

Oh man! I like that rocker chick!!!!!