Friday, March 21, 2008

ahhhh i love this keyboard!!

I really have nothing of substance to say but i felt I needed to post because i am currently typing on THE most awesome keyboard in the world. It's my dad's and its like a laptop keyboard. His new computer as a whole is amazing. It's flat screen but really wide. It's a mac, of course, and it has a computer built into the monitor. It has a REMOTE and it's the fastest computer i've ever used. It's so amazing. so thats basically it but now im so addicted to this keyboard. and since im probably boring you im going to find another activity where i can type. ok im gonna leave about to hit publish post...soon ill be gone. wow this is so addicting. even the sound the keys make when you hit them, ok. im really gonna leave now..bye. i love you. theres nothing else to write! ahhhh bye!