Sunday, September 9, 2007

What time is it? summertime...oh. never mind. its just the weekend

Since school is in session, and the weather is still beautifully warm, weekends are starting to feel like mini summer vacations. especially when you're fortunate enough to have a pool to swim in. But I still can't wait until autumn. It's such a great time of year. It's cool, but not cold, you get to wear sweaters, the sky is always beautiful, you get to pick apples and eat apples and rake leaves and drink tea, and carve pumpkins, and go trick-or-treating. Everything smells good, the trees are magnificent, leaves crunch when you walk, and apple pies are the food of choice. Not to mention you get to celebrate my birthday, Halloween and Thanksgiving. But for now, I'll embrace these last few "summer" days, because they next time they'll come is next year.

Now if only the VMA's weren't on past my allleged bedtime...