Saturday, September 29, 2007

Homecoming Week!

I'm so excited. This week is gonna be great, and then the weekend will be even better...if I can live through it. So this week we get to dress up, and then Friday is the football game. After that, we have the parade on Saturday-my first parade in the marching band!! And then the dance is that night, Applefest is the next day, and Monday...well, I don't have too much to do, thank goodness. It's going to be insane, but that's the best part.

I just finished this incredible book called Tuesdays with Morrie. Every person in America today should take the time to read this book. I first heard about it from Kerianne =) and then my sister had to read it over the summer for junior year english. After my mom read it, I decided to read it, and I'm so glad I did. Not only is it heart-warming, but the messages are timeless, relevant, simple, meaningful and beautiful. Everyone can learn from the whole-hearted, honest, beautiful way that Morrie lived his life. With no regrets or holding back or rushing around. In today's world, we are saturated by our unforgiving culture. By simply reading this book, I am now trying to live in the way that Morrie teaches. He is and was such an inspirational, intelligent, relatable man, and everyone can benefit from listening to his humble teachings about life, death, love, marriage, the world, feeling sorry for yourself, regrets, family, emotions, the fear of aging, money, our culture, and forgiveness. I highly recommend this book.


NerdFest said...

MMm, sounds very interesting. You can bet your bottom dollar that I will be at that game on Friday! The parade? Unlikely. The dance? Impossible. You see, its my grandma's birthday, and we're taking her out to dinner at 5ish in a place called "Torches on the Hudson." It's a snazzy place on the Hudson River in Newburgh, NY.

Kerianne said...

i <3 morrie. lolz.
*8th grade summer reading*