Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I have more to say!

Woah this has gotta be a record. Two posts in a row!! Well, it's either boredom or i have a really interesing life...I'm going with the first one. So anyway, I'd like to inform you all of a new crush:

ta-da! the lovely emile hirsch. This is not to say that he is just eye candy. He is an incredible actor (all the more reason for the crush) For those of you that have seen Into the Wild (if not, I strongly suggest you do) you've seen his talent as an actor. He was also in Speed Racer and a few other movies. Apparently he was in Sabrina the Teenage witch?? Don't remember that...and he had an article in the November issue of Teen Vogue. Now you know.


MarcoPolumbo said...

Okay, so since I'm like pumped and chock full of energy for no good reason, being that it's 1:32AM and I have to get up at 6:40, I was reading through old blog posts (as well as talking to Nina) and this one made me laugh, really hard. I miss the old times.

"Hahahhahahhaha. You have an amazing, hilarious way of making things ten times funnier than they actually were. I was laughing so hard reading your blog...and I was there! Thanks for the comment! I hope I see you sometime soon. If not, have funnnn!! Oh, btw. I had a folder on my desktop labled Practice Regents and Earth Science Reference Tables (i know, shudder) and you know what I did? I clicked the little sucker and dragged it right down into the trash. It was the greatest thing EVER."

-You left me that comment.

Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder said...

i know i'm not supposed to leave comments on my own blog, and i hope you read this one but i totally don't remember writing that comment! hahaha those were good times

MarcoPolumbo said...

Me neither!